Thursday, June 4, 2020

A World We Can Make Better Together 🌏

Dear Reader,
Thank you for subscribing to wikiHow's newsletter. Between the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, widespread protests, and deep economic uncertainty, these are some of the most challenging times in modern memory. It can be hard to make sense of our emotions, to know how we might care for ourselves and our loved ones, and how we can best support others right now.
wikiHow is working to provide every reader with the most helpful and up-to-date information at the moments they need it most. We hope to be a resource that you can rely on to find accurate information, feel supported, and learn how to take action in a way that feels right for you.
Thank you for being part of our community as we work to help everyone on the planet.
- The wikiHow Team
Donate Money
There are many charitable organizations with different missions that need your help. Ensure your money will be spent where and how you intend by learning how to choose charities wisely.
Change starts in your own community. Help elect representatives who will enact positive policies, all without needing to leave the safety of your home.
Protest Peacefully
Bring attention to causes you care for by demonstrating public solidarity alongside other like-minded people. Read here to make sure you know how to do so safely.
Combat Stress
With all that 2020 has thrown at us, it's normal to feel emotional pressure from current events. Learn some methods to cope with your situation in this article.
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