Friday, October 21, 2022

How can you help others find the Hope we have?

A free video series to help you engage others with the love of Christ                                                                                                                     

Hello Friend,

As Christians, we're called to share our faith with others. That's the foundation of Christ's Great Commission to His disciples — and to us — before He ascended into heaven:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19).

But that's a challenging assignment! We know that the power of the Holy Spirit can penetrate even the hardest of hearts. But so many people in our post-Christian culture are either hostile, skeptical, or indifferent to the claims of Christ and to the truths of Scripture.

If you have a desire to reach out to those around you but don't know how to get started, I have good news for you. We've produced a FREE series of short videos called "Sharing Your Faith with Grace and Purpose" featuring Greg Koukl, a renowned Christian apologist and founder and president of Stand to Reason. Greg recently joined me and John Fuller in the Focus on the Family Broadcast studio to offer helpful advice for communicating with those around you about faith-related topics.

Each video in this series also includes discussion questions and links to additional resources. I believe you'll find it helpful, insightful, and empowering.

So what are you waiting for? The "Sharing Your Faith with Grace and Purpose" video series is FREE, and you can sign up right now by clicking below.

Sign Up Now »

May God bless you as you engage with this series and endeavor to share the love of Christ with those you encounter!

Jim Daly
Focus on the Family

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