Topics for the water cooler and then some
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Gail Collins and Bret Stephens
The new Times/Siena poll is to Biden's second-term ambitions what sunlight is to morning fog.
David Firestone
The new speaker is playing a game with the world when the world needs American leadership.
Thomas L. Friedman
Israel, Iran, Ukraine and Russia are driving so much about geopolitics today.
Charles M. Blow
Where he and I are from, even would-be oppressors can be affable.
David French
The speaker needs to consult his Bible more carefully.
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Surprised individuals and small-business owners can't pay rent or make payroll, and no one ever explains what they did wrong.
Many U.S. troops who fired vast numbers of artillery rounds against the Islamic State developed mysterious, life-shattering mental and physical problems. But the military struggled to understand what was wrong.
There's history around every curve on the back roads between Los Angeles and Los Olivos, a 100-mile route that meanders through mountains, canyons and star-studded enclaves.
A Netflix mini-series brings to the screen Anthony Doerr's Pulitzer-winning World War II romance.
As Morgan Hartman and Phillip de Amezola supported each through personal health crises, their relationship and a "love plant" flourished.
The Republican presidential candidate's defeat in a largely Black South Carolina district in 1996 derailed his promise as someone who could expand the party's appeal.
When summarizing facts, ChatGPT technology makes things up about 3 percent of the time, according to research from a new start-up. A Google system's rate was 27 percent.
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