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Suggested reading from critics and editors at The New York Times.
Star-led titles including Jerry Seinfeld's animated feature, a James Brown biopic and a Steve Martin-Meryl Streep rom-com are leaving the streaming service. Watch them while you can.
"This meal was simple, healthy, and so incredibly tasty. I'd eat this every night of my life," a reader says of my sheet-pan chicken with garlic yogurt.
New films, and classics, just keep coming, but you don't have to drill down to find the finest selections to stream. We'll do the heavy lifting. You press play.
Every day we'll feature stories from a different section. Check back daily.
Verbal swings at Donald Trump, though not by name. A spirited back-and-forth with G.O.P. lawmakers. And a loud and feisty delivery.
The media titan Rupert Murdoch, 92, is engaged once more. This time it is to Elena Zhukova, a retired molecular biologist.
Loathe burpees? Fear planks? Trainers share tips to make dreaded moves work for you.
The prosecution pointed to a photo of the film's armorer, arguing she had brought the live rounds. Her lawyers tried to focus attention on the movie's primary ammunition supplier.
While mushing across Alaska in the Iditarod sled dog race, Dallas Seavey shot a moose, and then got a penalty for not gutting it well enough.
Audiences were abuzz over breathing runways, drone models, social media blackouts, tartan codpieces and kisses on the catwalk.
The gun was unloaded, and no students were injured, according to the Police Department.
Our house had the best treats in the neighborhood. This one we never shared.
The Mini CrosswordSolve this bite-sized puzzle in just a few minutes.
Spelling BeeHow many words can you make with 7 letters?
WordleGuess the 5-letter word with 6 chances.
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