Friday, June 21, 2024

Opinion Today: The ten commandments, Trump’s tariffs and social media warnings

Updates from Times Opinion's blog.
Opinion Today

June 21, 2024

Author Headshot

By Anna Marks

In today's newsletter, we're offering some of our favorite entries from The Point, Times Opinion's blog.

This week our writers told you what they think about Louisiana's order to post the ten commandments in classrooms, Trump's tariff proposal and the surgeon general's recommendation for warning labels on social media.

Check them out below.

A photograph of tablets bearing the ten commandments.

David French on Louisiana and the ten commandments

A photograph of a Donald Trump bobblehead inside a cardboard box.

Paul Krugman on Trump's tariff proposal

A photograph of an iPhone.

Pamela Paul on social media warnings

Here's what we're focusing on today:

Editors' Picks

An old photograph shows Margaret Sanger standing next to a table of medical supplies.  A woman sits in a wooden chair in the foreground.

Library of Congress

Michelle Goldberg

Trump's Allies Say They'll Enforce the Comstock Act. Believe Them.

Democrats should rally around a bill to overhaul the 1873 anti-vice law.

By Michelle Goldberg

More From Opinion

A man in profile (Donald Trump) sits in front of a curtain.

Jamelle Bouie

The Lazy Authoritarianism of Donald Trump

The former president is no more prepared for a second term than he was for a first. He might even be less prepared.

By Jamelle Bouie

A head and shoulders views of Marco Rubio next to two American flags and underneath a chandelier.

Guest Essay

How Marco Rubio Could Cost Biden the Election

Rubio offers Latinos the chance to vote for one of their own to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

By Michael LaRosa

A worker bent over a pile of dirt at a street corner holding a long-handled tool, wearing a hard hat circled by a wide yellow brim.

Guest Essay

Workers Shouldn't Have to Risk Their Lives in Heat Waves

Laws aren't keeping pace with the risks climate change poses to workers laboring under sweltering conditions.

By Terri Gerstein

An illustration depicting the blurred figure of Donald Trump standing behind a blue lectern in sharp focus.

Frank Bruni

Donald Trump Is You! And You! And You!

Audaciously and laughably, a playboy plutocrat turns himself into Everyman.

By Frank Bruni

A photograph of a building in Pyongyang, adorned with the Russian and North Korean flags and a poster of Putin.

When Pariahs Like Putin and Kim Meet, Watch Out

Their discussion of military assistance is not likely to be healthy for the world.

By Serge Schmemann

Matter of Opinion

What J.D. Vance's Transformation Tells Us About the Future of Democracy

Can populist leaders actually fix the world's unsolvable problems?

play button


The Ezra Klein Show

Trump's Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!

Inflation is Biden's weak spot. Matthew Yglesias argues that it may also be Trump's.

play button


An illustration of colorful human figures of indeterminate sex on a chartreuse background

Guest Essay

The Original Sin of Olympics Sex Testing

We had a chance to treat sex categories in sports with curiosity and compassion instead of condemnation. We still can.

By Michael Waters

John McWhorter

What Donald Trump Talks About When He Talks About 'Donald Trump'

When the former president refers to himself, there's something he's not saying.

By John McWhorter

A close-up photo of J.D. Vance.


J.D. Vance's Claims About the 2020 Election

Responses to Ross Douthat's interview with Senator Vance. Also: Clarence Thomas and the Supreme Court's reputation; hair loss; a perplexing headline.

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