Saturday, July 20, 2019

Science Times: 50 Years Ago Today, Men Walked on the Moon

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Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Moonshot for the Stage
At 2:56 a.m. Coordinated Universal Time on July 21, 1969, humans for the first time stepped onto another world. It was a kind of awakening. More than 500 million people around the world watched the event live on television — still the biggest broadcast audience in history — and tens of millions more listened on the radio. All with the same perspective: of the moon, symbol of the unattainable, attained; and of our own Earth, a pale blue dot in the vast emptiness of space.
Most people alive today were not yet born when the Apollo 11 mission took place and have no direct memory of it. Even for those who do recall, it's easy to forget that Apollo unfolded during one of the most turbulent periods in our nation's history. Many Americans felt strongly that other concerns — poverty, education, civil rights — should take precedence. Polls put the space program at or near the top of the list of federal programs that people thought should be abolished. The mission's success nonetheless became synonymous with our potential as a species. If we could put a man on the moon, we could accomplish anything.
How best to celebrate this complex history, and the role of The New York Times in covering it? 
All month the reporters and editors of the Times's science desk have been publishing articles, essays, photo galleries and even a poem reflecting on the legacy of Apollo 11, and on the promise and challenges of a new era of space exploration. 
On Sunday night, The Times presents another step in its exploration: A play, built from the words of the men and women who made the Apollo missions happen. The production strives to honor their dedication and recapture the emotions of a moment in time when, amid social upheaval, something extraordinary was achieved. As only theater can, it means to convey the experience of sharing an event that belongs to all Americans. 
Tickets for the live event at Town Hall in New York are nearly sold out. But if you visit on Sunday night at 7 p.m. Eastern Time, you can watch a livestream of the show.
The story of Apollo 11 is the American "Odyssey" — a tale to be retold again and again, each time revealing something new. Fifty or five hundred years from now, may it stand as a reminder of what is possible: We could, and we did, together.
Alan Burdick


This week we've shared details from the journey of the Apollo 11 astronauts to the moon. To conclude our special additional newsletters, we're sharing the story of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landing and walking on the moon with you in a new way. Stand where the astronauts stood as they took unforgettable photographs. You can try this on your smartphone, or your desktop computer

The Apollo 11 Moon Landing in Augmented Reality
See Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's historic photographs and words from the moonwalk.
An image of the Apollo program's Saturn V rocket was projected this week onto the Washington Monument.
For 50 Years Since Apollo 11, Presidents Have Tried to Take That Next Giant Leap

President Trump is only the latest to propose returning to the moon and then heading to Mars. But he faces the burdens of history to accomplish what his predecessors could not.

Earth as seen from the Apollo 11 lunar mission in July 1969.
We Went to the Moon. Why Can't We Solve Climate Change?

The original moon shoot inspired billions. Calling climate action a moon shot isn't an perefect parallel — but maybe we should try it anyway.

Just Before the Eagle Landed, an Alien Arrived in Our Living Room

Until the Apollo 11 mission, my family didn't have a television. Then, for one weekend, we joined the rest of Planet Earth.

A view of the Moon's north pole made from 18 images taken by NASA's Galileo.
Everything Else You Need to Read on the Moon Landing

Here's a guide to our reporting that looked back at Apollo 11' meaning and forward to humankind's next giant leaps in spaces



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