Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Best: How to pick your perfect presidential candidate

If only it were as simple as using a dating app.
The New York Times
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The New York Times
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Another week, another round of Democratic debates. It's all so … overwhelming. But what if picking a presidential candidate to support were as easy as swiping right? Now it is, with Candidatr. Try it out so you can make sure you give your vote — and your heart — to Mr (s). Right, instead of Mr (s). Right Now. Looking for a more conventional way to consider the candidates? Times Opinion writers ranked the candidates on a scale from 1 to 10 to determine who won and who lost during the first and second debate nights. — Alexandra March

Lucy Jones

These lambs, which are grown to the equivalent development of human babies at 22-24 weeks old, have been born with few complications. This science could help bridge the divide between opposing sides of the abortion debate — and it could give women more choices with their bodies.

Sister Mary Berchmans, mother superior of the Georgetown Visitation Monastery and president emerita of the school, inside a classroom at the Georgetown Visitation school in Washington.Tom Brenner for The New York Times

One of the oldest Catholic girls' schools in the nation has lauded its founders for teaching slaves when educating them was prohibited. An archivist couldn't unearth any evidence of that they had — but she did discover records that revealed something more sinister.

Anna Parini

"The last time I spoke to him was on February 14, 2012. He was in northern Syria and called me from his satellite phone to wish me a happy Valentine's Day."

Illustrations by Josh Cochran

Some dogs — like the Border collies Rico and Chaser, who died last month — have learned hundreds upon hundreds of words. "Dogs in fMRI studies both distinguish familiar from nonsense words and process the emotional content of words. Nonetheless, dogs are not talking back."

Kiersten Essenpreis

Step 1. Try to talk to and listen to others. Step 2. Try not to live in your head.


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